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Donate to AJ Armstrong's Fight for Freedom

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Thanks to your generous donations, significant progress has been made in supporting AJ's legal battle. So far, your contributions have covered $37,000 in appellate attorney fees and $40,000 for obtaining the third trial transcripts. However, as of August 2024, there is still a remaining balance of $13,000 needed to continue funding AJ's appellate attorney. Your continued support is crucial in ensuring that AJ receives the professional representation he deserves. By donating, you are directly contributing to the ongoing efforts to rewrite AJ's legal narrative and bring him closer to justice. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to this cause.


We stand at a critical juncture in the fight for justice. AJ Armstrong, an innocent man, has been unjustly accused and convicted for over 7 years for a crime he did not commit. The degree of corruption, mishandling of evidence, and bias displayed by the City of Houston, Harris County District Attorney's Office, and the Houston Police Department is staggering. It is a grave injustice that cannot be ignored.

AJ's family and friends have tirelessly stood by his side, unwavering in their belief in his innocence. But their resources have been depleted after three trials and years of legal battles. They have reached a point where they can no longer afford the defense, appellate, and civil rights attorney fees necessary to seek justice for AJ. They are at a crossroads, desperate for help.

We cannot let an innocent man languish behind bars. We cannot turn a blind eye to the corruption and malpractice that has tainted this case. One innocent person in prison is one too many. We have the power to make a difference, to right this terrible wrong.

We implore you to join us in this fight for justice. Your support, whether through donations or spreading awareness, can make a profound impact. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to correcting the verdict and exposing the truth. Together, we can bring AJ home to his family, where he rightfully belongs.

Please consider donating to AJ's defense fund. Your generosity will directly support his legal battle and give him a fighting chance to prove his innocence. Your contribution will be a beacon of hope for AJ, his wife, his child, and all those who believe in justice.

We understand that times are tough for everyone, but even the smallest gesture can make a world of difference. If you are unable to donate, please share AJ's story with your friends, family, and social networks. Help us amplify our message and rally more support for this crucial cause.

Let us stand united in the pursuit of justice. Let us be the voice for AJ, a man who has been silenced for far too long. Together, we can expose the corruption, right the wrongs, and bring AJ back to his loved ones.

Rest assured that every single donation you make will go directly to AJ's wife, who manages a dedicated defense fund for AJ. This ensures that your contribution will have a direct and immediate impact on his legal battle. By donating, you are providing vital support to AJ and his family as they fight tirelessly to prove his innocence and bring him back home, where he belongs. Your generosity will make a significant difference in their pursuit of justice. 

Thank you for your consideration, your support, and your prayers. With your help, we can rewrite the future for AJ Armstrong, a loving son, a devoted father, a cherished brother, and a dear friend.